In a recent exploration of St. George, SC, the Earth Design team embarked on a comprehensive tour of the historic St. George Rosenwald School, guided by community chair Judge Ralph James. Situated within Dorchester County, St. George boasts a rich history dating back to the late 18th century when it was established as a trading post. The arrival of the railroad in 1872 further catalyzed its growth into a bustling commercial center, shaping its identity as a vibrant community with a strong sense of heritage. Originally built in 1925 as part of the Julius Rosenwald Foundation’s initiative to improve African American education, the St. George Rosenwald School served as a cornerstone of the local community. Over the years, the school evolved to meet the needs of its students, with additions made in 1935, 1950, and 1954. Despite its closure in 1954, the school continued to play a vital role as a community center, hosting social and political events that were instrumental in shaping the local neighborhood.
The remarkable restoration of the St. George Rosenwald School has been made possible through collaborative efforts, including the dedicated involvement of the Children’s Museum of the Lowcountry. This restoration project not only preserves the rich historical significance of the school but also transforms it into a vibrant educational hub for future generations. Through innovative programming and interactive exhibits, the Children’s Museum of the Lowcountry aims to engage visitors of all ages, providing immersive learning experiences that celebrate the cultural heritage of St. George and its surrounding community. Together, these initiatives contribute to the revitalization of the area, fostering a sense of pride and unity while honoring the enduring legacy of the Rosenwald School system.
During a recent visit to Lincolnville, SC, guided by Dr. Pernessa Seele, the Earth Design team embarked on a comprehensive tour of the community, all while riding a bus. Our journey included a thorough exploration of the historic Lincolnville School. As the wheels of the bus rolled through the streets, we were captivated by the stories unfolding around us, deepening our understanding and appreciation for Lincolnville’s history and spirit. We concluded our tour with a special meet and greet session with alumni of the Lincolnville Rosenwald School.
Lincolnville, tracing its origins back to the late 19th century, emerged as one of the first predominantly African American communities in the region, offering refuge and opportunity for freedmen seeking autonomy after the Civil War. Despite enduring challenges such as racial segregation and economic instability, Lincolnville has flourished, evolving into a vibrant community with a rich cultural heritage and a resilient spirit.
The historic Lincolnville School, constructed in 1924, was the first public school for black students in the community. Initially constructed with four classrooms and an auditorium on a four-acre lot, it was part of the extensive network of schools funded by the Julius Rosenwald Foundation between 1917 and 1932. Over the years, the school underwent transformation, including the addition of brick veneer and expansion to become Lincolnville Elementary School in 1953. Today, under the stewardship of The Town of Lincolnville, the school remains a vital symbol of educational advancement and community resilience. Dr. Pernessa Seele along with members of the Lincolnville Preservation and Historical Society have worked tirelessly and passionately for preserving the community’s rich heritage.
Seated is Pine Grove Rosenwald School student, Iris Taylor Simpkins. She conveyed her memories of going to a Rosenwald school, how education was valued in the community and how that education produced many outstanding students who became educators themselves. Brenda McGriff, volunteer curator and member of the SC Rosenwald Schools Trail Study Steering Committee, detailed the unique role of the school to the community to the Conservation Voters of South Carolina Board of Directors and the WeGOJA Foundation Project Leader. While the Rosenwald Fund helped to pay for the initial school in 1923, it was the Black community that came together to fund the remaining requirements to build and staff the school.
Iris will be featured in the upcoming February 28th SC Rosenwald Schools Trail Study Bulletin. This hard copy booklet features information on the contributors to the study and how the final product will include a master plan and oral histories that highlights both Jewish and African American stories. Pine Grove is one of the six schools initially included in this study.